
These are the classes where you can get the info of the joystick

Some useful methods

  • getRawButton(int)

  • getX

  • getY

  • getZ

That last one will either return the rotation of the joystick (Function joystick) or the value of the slider (drive sticks).


Creating Buttons

One type of button is a joystick button which is any button on a joystick. You create one by telling it which joystick it’s on and which button number it is.

Joystick stick = new Joystick(port);

Button button = new JoystickButton(stick, buttonNumber);

There are a few additional built in buttons you can use. Additionally, by subclassing Button you can create custom triggers and bind those to commands the same as any other Button.

Triggering Commands with Buttons

Once you have a button, it’s trivial to bind it to a button in one of three ways:

Start the command when the button is pressed and let it run the command until it is finished as determined by it’s isFinished method.

button.whenPressed(new ExampleCommand());

Run the command while the button is being held down and interrupt it once the button is released.

button.whileHeld(new ExampleCommand());

Start the command when the button is released and let it run the command until it is finished as determined by it’s isFinished method.

button.whenReleased(new ExampleCommand());