Motion Profiling (Old)
This wiki page is a work in progress
Using Motion Profiling for autonomous
If you want smooth robot motion, use this. It’s super repeatable, even if your battery voltage changes or if your robot got fat.
For Voyager, the robot had the following values:
Average time to max speed (low gear): 0.8282773189 seconds
Average max speed in RPM (low gear): 557.6 RPM
Average max speed in NU/100MS (low gear): 3781.457 Native Units / 100 milliseconds
Appropriate Feed Forward gain: 0.27053062082237783
Average max speed in FPS (low gear): 9.731955898 ft / second
Average max acceleration in G (low gear): 0.3784 G
Average max acceleration in ft/s^2 (low gear): 12.1088 ft/s^2
Some helpful resources because this resource is unhelpful