This is probably the most important part in designing a robot for FIRST robotics. Strategy is where we decide what parts of the game we want to complete. It is how we decide our approach to the game. Our strategy will also determine how we approach build. Strategy also can include what we are doing in each match. It is important so our robot can score the most possible points in every match.

When building your robot, you will have a priority list. It will probably look something like this:

  1. Moving
  2. Acquiring the game element
  3. Keeping the game element
  4. Scoring the game element
  5. Endgame/Autonomous
  6. Autonomous/Endgame

Below, we will expand a little more on each item in the list


Moving is obviously the most important part of the game. To even get to the scoring area, you have to move there. If you cannot move, you will for sure be the bottom seed and be on everybody’s do-not-pick lists. Even if you are able to move but can’t manipulate the game element, you can at least play defense or something, which is better than nothing.

To move around the field, you will need a drivetrain. Details surrounding drivetrains can be found here

Acquiring the game element

To score the game element, you need to have it. To have the game element, you must first acquire it. This is most commonly done through the use of an active intake, although in some games where the human player station is the primary source of game elements (e.g gears in 2017), then you may be able to get by without having one.

Details surrounding active intakes can be found here

Keeping the game element

Often times, it is not viable to hold the game element inside your active intake, such as during 2015, where you need to stack the elements, or any shooting game. Sometimes, you can put the game element directly in your scoring mechanism, such as keeping a ball in your catapult (2016, 2014, 2018 with a shooter). Other times, as previously alluded to, you can keep the game element in your active intake (2018 with elevator).

Scoring the game element

This can mean shooting the game element or just reversing the active intake. Rarely, you may be able to not do anything for this step (see 2017 with a passive gear holder: pilot pulls it out)